1. Go hiking on Grandfather Mountain
2. Lose ten pounds (I don't think this could escape any list... except for maybe a grocery list)
3. Finish reading the Spirit Flyer series with Travis
4. Watch Up Close and Personal with Mom
5. Ride on the ATV
6. Go to the beach

7. Play frisbee
8. Take an apartment hunting trip to NY
9. Take NY certification tests
10. Apply for jobs in NY
11. Hike in TN to see the "balds"
12. Go on a cruise with the Engebretsens
13. Play Beatles Rock Band with Dad and Trav (and Mom if she will participate LOL)
14. Take a trip to see Ivan and Linz's new place in TX (and help set up/paint, etc.)
15. Get a better tan
16. Get closer to Jesus
17. Get closer to Travis
18. Read The Essential 55 (Thanks, Mr. Davis!)
19. Buy new "teacher" shoes
20. Crochet (Yes, I am an old lady...I married an old man at heart, so I just have to fit in...stop judging me.)
This is just a small list; I'm sure I will think of more later and go "Oh darn! I should have put that on the list, but now I can't add any because it was at a solid 20!" Yes... I wouldn't be able to give up a nice list containing an even 20 items. I know. OCD. Let's discuss it no further.
If you have anything groundbreaking to add to my list, let me know! If it is crucial enough to my summer, I just may break my perfect 20-item list for your idea. That would be just positively shocking, I know. What's on your perfect summer list? What are your plans?