Well, recently I have (by the grace of the Lord) begun eating healthier. I have tried to stay away from preservatives, pointless calories, and gluttony. The Bible says to do all things unto the glory of God, thus, I have tried to change my eating habits to obey this command (After all, is not eating part of "all things"?). Well, with eating healthier comes that unreachable goal of keeping balance and moderation with what I consume. It is quite simple really. Food has categories:
Junk Food
These are foods that you could live your entire life without. You could be 100% healthy never touching any of these foods. Potato chips, Cheez-Its, crackers,

Ahh, fruit. Such an important part of one's diet, so healthy! Fruit is healthy; however, beware of it becoming an "alternate addiction". You see, once you take the really, really bad stuff out of your diet, you may switch from

Vegetables and Protein
Have you ever just said to yourself, "Man, I could reallllyyy use some spinach right now!" or "A Brussels sprout would just HIT the spot!" Try getting addicted to vegetables... good luck. Try

Many times, our body needs something that is in a certain food, but instead of giving it the food it knows it needs, we give it the junk or the junk's replacing, better-looking, yet still addicting food- such as fruit. It isn't that our body is never telling us to eat good stuff, it is just that many times we say, "Yeah, yeah, eat these chips! That will make you happy!" And indeed, that junk food will make your taste-buds soar for about... eh... 5 minutes at most. However, once full of the junk, there is no longer room for a good meal, so we skip it. Surprisingly, though, even though we "don't have room" for a decent meal, we can always eat a few more chips. Why? Because they hold us under their addiction at that point- they are very hard to resist. So after filling up on garbage, we end up with... well... a tummy-ache. Even if we eat too much fruit, the acid gets to us. The sugar may make us even crash land and feel horrible by the end of the day. You see... there is a difference between what your body needs and yearns for and with what you decide to fill it.
This is the way I look at being a follower of the Lord. Now, hold up! I am not crazy! ...Okay, who am I trying to fool? If you have read any of my other posts, you already know I am 100% out of my mind. So I may be crazy, but still, hear me out. Nutritionally balanced discipleship:
Junk food
Simply put- sin. You could have a wonderful, full life never, ever needing to sin. The truth is, we want to sin. Sin is an addiction. Whether your sin is cursing, drunkenness, lust, wrath, gluttony, etc., etc.... it addicts you. When we look at the actual ingredients, however, we see the garbage:
Cursing: Letting fowl language that makes you look tacky and cheap flow from your lips just to hurt someone or express pain. Trying to seek shallow approval from others (individuals who are probably not worth being friends with anyway) by using swear words in everyday language and jokes because "This joke just requires it."
Drunkenness: The horrible effects drunkenness has on your body and mind. The fact that you lose complete control and can end up sleeping in your own vomit at the end of the night.
Lust: The disgustingly pathetic people involved in the pornography industry. The ragged girls and men that have torn hearts and lives trying to fulfill their deep desire to feel desired by wasting their bodies on other people who feel the same way but are too hurt to ever commit.
Wrath: Allowing yourself to completely lose your mind in order to fulfill your lust for vengeance. Making yourself seem like a hateful person who allows others to control him or her through "getting at him or her" to the point where you explode, losing any witness you once had.
Gluttony: trying to fill your emptiness with food to the point where you feel sick and look fat. Once self-esteem plummets, you eat more, trying to feel better with empty calories.
If we look at the packaging of sin... it... is actually really gross. It contains trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, and partially hydrogenated oil! It is nasty and useless! How could we want it? How could it taste so good? We

This is going to church, worshiping to music, and having fellowship with other believers. These are all good things... in moderation. The problem is, we begin to fill up on these things without really much substance. These are good for you, yes, but you cannot live on fruit. The real problem with these things is the same as the problem with fruit. They are a "healthy addiction" because technically, they are good for you. In fact, the interesting thing about fruit is that you can be openly addicted to it!

Veggies and Protein
This is where we get really healthy in our walk. However, it has to be a choice. I am not addicted to hours on my knees in prayer with my Heavenly Father... I am not addicted to hours of studying His Word to know Him. In fact, in order to get myself to want to spend time with him, I usually have to put some sauce or dressing on my "good food" so that it tastes better to me. The sauce I use to

It is a choice. Period. You may not feel like you will ever be addicted... but you will. Someday all followers of Christ will be eternally addicted to plain, un-sauced, un-dressingified JESUS CHRIST!!!! What's best is that He will be the most desired... no junk will even be available. We will fellowship (eat fruit) in moderation by Worshiping Jesus forever, together in one family. A healthy, forever fulfilling meal. The point is, eating proteins and veggies is a choice. You must choose daily to die to yourself and learn more about Jesus. Choose to know Him. Choose.
Does this mean that you will have to wait to get to Heaven before becoming addicted to the Lord? NO! The wonderful thing is that, as with eating better, once you have been eating well for awhile, choosing day-by-day to make healthy choices, eventually it will become routine for you to reach for a carrot instead of a candy bar. Not only that, but you will know how to satisfy your body so that when it tells you what it needs (A.K.A. when your spirit tells you what it needs), you will desire to fulfill it properly! Mmmm! And boy will it taste good! Add some church, some fellowship, some Vitamin C, and you got yourself a balanced relationship with the Savior! Isn't it interesting that Vitamin C keeps us from getting diseases and sicknesses, and fellowship keeps us accountable to stay away from spiritual disease?

Three more things:
It is easier to fall back into addiction toward junk food than it is to keep addicted to good food. I will use myself as an example. When I went to my parents' place in Tennessee this Christmas, I still ate pretty healthily, trying to avoid gorging myself with fattening treats. However, they were in the house, they were available. Therefore, I did eat some. By the time I returned to New York, I was craving things that I hadn't craved for awhile. I was falling into over-eating sweets and letting cravings conquer will-power. However, when I was in Tennessee, I wasn't craving veggies and fruits and protein each day! I wasn't begging for broccoli! But suddenly, back home, I was dying for dessert! My point is, if you let a little sin back into your life ("Just this one curse word..." "Just this one porn video...") it will grab you around the neck and refuse to let go. If I would have not eaten any junk while in TN, I would have come home and been fine. However, I let a little junk in, and it wanted to keep me under its addiction. The same thing applies to sin. Disciple of Christ, do not let even a little sin in... it will surely cause you more pain and stress than just bee-lining it away from the dessert table the moment you notice it across the room.
If you surround yourself with fat people, you will stay comfortably in your junk food addiction without worrying. Surround yourself with thin people. If you surround yourself with "thin and fit" Christians, you will surely be influenced to keep away from the french fries and eat something healthier to ensure that you lose some weight yourself and to ensure that you will not be rightly rebuked for your addiction to sin.
Surround yourself with good food. If you keep junk food in the house, you will privately consume it. If you struggle with pornography, get yourself an accountability partner and a block on your computer. If you struggle with anger, stay away from people who you know will provoke you; get an accountability partner. If it is impossible to stay completely away from them (A.K.A. family members, people at work, etc.), try to spend less time with them and pray the Lord will help you; get an accountability partner. If you struggle with drunkenness, stay away from the wine menu and stay away from nightclubs and bars. Go elsewhere to have fun; get an accountability partner. You get the gist. If you can't stay away from the potato chips, get them out of your house! Throw them out, right then and there! Starving people who have no other food to eat would kill to have what we would consider bland veggies and chicken. Take out the junk; starve yourself of sin, so that you will only want to consume Christ- all that He is, all that He was, and all that He will be. Change your body... change your life.
Great analogy.
ReplyDeleteThis is a really great post. I couldn't agree more. I really like all the time and energy you put into this area. So many people excuse this and harp on all the "other sins". Thank you for this. Very good.
ReplyDelete@Mom Thanks! When I started thinking about it, I realized how metaphorical God created this world. Everything points to His Kingdom.
ReplyDelete@Jen Thank you! Haha! I included gluttony, but the main point was to create the analogy between the foods we eat and the way we live our lives. Sin is junk food! =D Thanks for the comment!
I love the analogy! Great job bringing the two together! (Ha, just saw that your mom said the same thing. Didn't mean to copy her words...I really mean it!)
ReplyDeleteHaha! No worries! Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the comment! =]