Chain mail=NO!
Cell Phone: HA! Yeah right! I don't want any weirdos calling me! (Shoot me an e-mail if you want my number!)

You know what... I just had an epiphany... I am really not going to give out anything other than my e-mail here because of the aforementioned reason, so go ahead and shoot me an e-mail if you want my Skype name, AIM name, or cell phone number. Ha ha! Sorry about that! I began writing this blog with every intention of giving out my Skype and AIM names, but then as I thought about it just now I was like, "Hmmm, that is stupid..." Thus, please e-mail me so that we can chat.
That is one of the sad things about leaving Facebook- it did help me easily keep in touch with friends through Facebook Chat and the messages. However, I have already received a couple of e-mails from people who wanted to keep in touch despite my leaving Facebook, and I have really enjoyed how much more personal it feels communicating with them. It isn't posted on a wall for all to see, and I can really just take my time reading and responding to what they have to say.
Anywho, this is just my personal opinion. I am not trying to rebuke others for having Facebook by any means. I am simply expressing that I am personally enjoying my communication/life without it. =]
With that said, please feel free to e-mail, call, or IM me at any time! Okay... not any time... if you call at like 2:00 AM, I will be kind of peeved. Puppy Ciao!
P.S. If you understood my title (A.K.A. where/who it comes from), you get a cookie- a virtual cookie... O <--- there it is... I know it looks like an uppercase o, but trust me... it is a virtual sugar cookie. Bon appetit! If you "get" the title without having to "Google", please comment with your answer/guess! No cheating!
I am guessing it is from Pink Floyd, the wall. Do I win?
ReplyDeleteYay! Yes. Please accept this cookie- O. =]
ReplyDeleteDeanO, I have to say that I TRULY respect the reason you left Facebook. Honestly, as your sister in Christ, I applaud you for your bold move to place yourself 100% out of temptation's way. Satan loves to attack Christian men, and one of the first things he targets them with is lust- that is why the world keeps bombarding men with cheap, tasteless images. As a woman, it saddens me to think that the women who are displayed in such tasteless ways are searching to fill a Jesus-shaped whole with shallow, meaningless compliments, money, attraction, popularity, etc. If they only knew the way Christ, their holy Groom sees them... things would be different. Thanks for the comment. Sorry about the long-winded response. Once again, great decision with the Facebook! =]
ReplyDeletehole* oopsie!
ReplyDeleteAmen! I absolutely agree with you. Too much is readily available to children these days via the Internet. I feel that we should be accountable to each other for not only that but for everything! We as Christians need to help each other and be helped by each other when dealing with ANY sin (be it lust, wrath, drunkenness, gluttony, vanity, pride, etc., etc.). Thank you for your wonderful thoughts and opinions.
ReplyDeleteI request that you do a post on this topic, giving Biblical references to support cleanliness of the eyes, heart, mind, etc. and the need for Christians to stick together and keep each other accountable. God bless you as well! =]
i dont understand the "Puppy Ciao!" thing..... -blonde-
ReplyDeleteLike puppy chow.... Ciao ("bye" in Italian) is said like "chow"... puppy... ciao....
ReplyDeletewell... i understand that Puppy Chow is yummiliscious food. and i understand that Ciao is bye in Italian... but i guess I don't understand the connection between the pun on the sugary delectableness and the context in which it is said?
ReplyDeleteReally, Kristin? How long have you known me? You should know by now that a connection is NEVER necessary! LOL!!
ReplyDeletehmm... i suppose you're right! i'm sorry, i just don't know where my head is at today! Shame too, because I have already had coffee! Hope this isn't an indication of the way my day will go! lol
ReplyDeleteUh oh! Haha! Maybe you should stay in today... get some more rest. ;] Just teasing! I just don't know that you were prepared for my level of randomness this early. LOL! Maybe my posts are more for "after lunch". Haha!
ReplyDeleteI left FB, too, and dove back into my blog. We'll see how long it lasts! LOL
ReplyDeleteAfter leaving FaceBook twice before, I recently rejoined it to see if there was any way it might co-ordinate with my blog. I have yet to decide, but I'll probably stay on this time. Basically, though, I think FaceBook is a place where people without anything to say go to talk. I know that sounds mean, but take a serious look at the "conversations" on there!
ReplyDeleteBTW, thanks for following my blog and commenting!
@Allana Since I left Facebook, I have "magically" had much more time to write on my blog- imagine THAT! Haha! I will have to check out your blog now that you have more time as well! ;]
ReplyDelete@Gorges Haha! I DEFINITELY know what you mean! It is also becoming almost "Twitter-like" with the statuses these days. It's like, "No offense, but no one really cares that you ate cereal... sorry." Of course I would NEVER say that, but... it could be tempting... LOL!
You're welcome. Thanks for returning the favor! I appreciate it! =]