Friday, April 8, 2011

Post 99: Significance of the Snapshot

And the answer is...

Okay, so that one was easy.  I am apparently sick?  The reason I have phrased this as a question is because when I took my temperature this morning, it was 100.4, but when I took it again this evening, it was 98.6!  Very short-lived fever?  I guess so!  So am I sick still?  Well, I still feel icky and lethargic not to mention that my throat feels a little sore and... erm... mucus-y.  I know- yum.  My head also still feels heavy and feels dizzy-ish every once in awhile.  Therefore, I think I am still sicky but not with a fever.  I guess it was more of a toaster oven fever rather than a Crock-Pot fever, thank goodness!  I think I should definitely be fine for work on Monday, but that was a close call.  Teaching at an elementary school with a fever is usually not the best idea (although it is probably where I acquired the delightful little virus in the first place).  Okay, this brings me to another point... can we discuss how grotesque this was on Wednesday?

One of the Kindergartners sneezed and the "super snot" somehow made its way down the entire front of his shirt.  *GAG*  But the real gem was when the child cleaned up his... erm... mess... and then proceeded to wipe. the. table. with the same tissue.  Did you just die a little inside?  Yeah, me too.  I looked at the helper and said, "I am Lysoling that for sure!"

Ahhh, now that I have filled your evening with a joyous visual (Oh yeah, it will be burned into your mind FOREVER.  Trust me.), I will TRY to get the visual out of your head by giving you a different picture to examine.  Truth be told... this is just temporary.  That other visual?  It will NEVER. BE. GONE.  *shiver... twitch*


  1. Spring break and u r going to tn

  2. Haha! Wow! You sure are on top of things! =]

  3. I,m a primary school librarian and I know all about the super sneeze! very productive.

  4. Hahaha! True facts! It is amazing what gross super powers these kids have. Astonishing mucus powers. Thanks for commenting! =]

  5. In case you don't make it back to my blog for a while, my response to your comment was: "Leaving politics alone for now, Brittany, think "container gardening"."

  6. Update: Brittany has, indeed, continued carrying a small fever every morning, along with other symptoms. Being sick stinks!

    As for my guess: you expect to start feeling better around April 18 - 22?

  7. @Gorges Haha! So true! This is getting frightening... we need to stock up! Thanks for stopping by!

    @Hubby LOL Thanks for updating everyone on my illness. At least they now know why I haven't been blogging these past couple of days! =] Thanks for taking care of me. As for your guess, considering that is Spring Break, I really hope that is when I will be feeling better!!! <3 Thanks for commenting, love.
