2. I have gained some weight back, but still feel and look fairly good! I am TRYING to get back on track.
3. I have discovered Nutella... and once you discover it, you cannot go back. This goes hand in hand with point #2. Issuesss. =[
4. I am probably going to blog about daily progress and such to keep focused and accountable.
5. T.J. will be 18 months on July 12th. Ummm, is it just me, or is my child growing up wayyyy too fast?
6. My sister is pregnant and due in December!!! We find out the sex of the baby soon!!! (Check out her blog: Portugal Ponderings)
7. Travis is still working at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney and doing well! I am a proud wifey!
8. We are ancient. Travis is 25, and I am 24. Weird to even type it. I feel like I am still 19!!! I remember with early 20's used to be "old"... Travis's birthday was in May, and mine was in June. If you forgot to wish us happy birthdays, please feel free to comment below (JK!... sort of.).
9. We celebrated our (technically) 3rd Father's and Mother's Days! =] 2nd where we actually had T.J. in our arms, but hey, a baby's a baby- even if Washington D.C. disagrees! ;] Travis got a surprise weekend getaway for the two of us to Disney, and I got a silver necklace that reads, "Mom", on it! We decided to save money and do joint birthday/parents' days gifts.
10. My brother-in-law, Erik, and his girlfriend, Bri, got engaged! They are to wed in January!! Love is in the air!! (Check out Bri's blog: The Diva and the Divine)
11. My sister-in-law went on the trip of a lifetime to Africa! (Please visit her blog about her adventure: My African Adventure)
12. T.J. has been learning SO much! He has known his ABC's since a little before 17 months, and today I realized that he almost can recite them by himself in order! He plays his matching game, and we are working on counting. He also plays make believe and a version of hide-and-seek that we call "Find the Turtle". He talks up a storm and throws tantrums in true toddler style! I am so proud of him. He is our world- a blessing from God! (Please visit his blog... just kidding.)
14. I am officially on Pretty Little Liars book #10! Obsessed? Just a little.
15. With an iPhone comes great iRespo
nsibilites. One being getting an Instagram (I can hear the groans now!). Hey! At least I still don't have a Twitter account (No offense, Twitter-lovers... your followers still love hearing about how you ate a bagel this morning, no worries. ...Ooh, I am getting sassier in my old age! ;] ) Anywho, please follow me on there to get photo updates and such: brittanyenge. =]
~* Well, that's all folks! Please comment below to update me on your life! I love comments- I love hearing from readers. I read each of them, and I usually try to respond. Let me know what's up with you and your family! Thanks! Xoxo! *~
Britt, such a great post!! You guys are such awesome parents. Wonderful to see how happy you three are and how well life is treating you.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! We have awesome examples! =] We definitely feel blessed!